QS GULF Certification Service

ISO 10001 (Customer Satisfaction)

The Customer Satisfaction standard series, ISO 10001, 10002 & 10004 – are the guideline standard for implementing a complaints & customer satisfaction management system – helps organizations to identify, manage and understand how successfully they deal with their customers’ complaints and improve satisfaction levels.


The standard specifies the key requirements for handling customer complaints successfully and includes complaints management controls to help you address customer dissatisfaction within your business. ISO 10002 is not applicable to disputes referred for resolution outside the organization or for employment-related disputes. The information obtained through the complaints-handling process can lead to improvements in products and processes and, where the complaints are properly handled, can improve the reputation of the organization, regardless of size, location and sector. In a global marketplace, the value of an International Standard becomes more evident since it provides confidence in the consistent treatment of complaints.

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